Here's our list of RHT preferred HOME INSPECTORS. When we add vendors to our RHT preferred list we, or someone we know, have used them and had a great experience!
Even though, these are who we would recommend, use whom ever you choose, on the list, off the list, it's your choice! We do get asked all the time if they are written in a particular order, our answer, nope, they are listed alphabetically! Just know, they wouldn't be on our list if they had not performed admirably in the past.
343 Home Inspections
Chris Bontrager
(214) 800-2001
Pillar to Post Home Inspections
Chris Hunter
(940) 243-0366
Super Inspector
(940) 367-1708
If you do end up using any of the vendors we recommend, please let us know what your experience was like!
Till next time!